Cloud Forest Festival 2024

This month has been filled with great activities, including some tree-planting at the Talari Reserve and the third edition of the annual Cloud Forest Festival.  With the participation of local vendors, educators and musicians, this edition was once again a resounding success!  In the lead picture, Gabriela Lopez from Proyecto Humus gives a presentation about native pollinators and flora.  Other presentations included a guided bird-walk with birders from OAVE and Costa Rican researcher Rebeca Jiménez´s presentation about her work with small mammals at Cloudbridge.

Another upcoming activitiy that we are excited to announce is the upcoming course on tropical dendrology taught by renowned botanist Nelson Zamora.  This is the second time that he will be giving a specialty field course at Cloudbridge, and last year the course was absolutely fantastic!  If you are interested please contact for more information.

Cloudbridge is currently accepting applications for the position of executive director.  To find out more, please visit our website, or email  This opportunity provides housing on-site at Cloudbridge Nature Reserve.

Current operations manager Max King enjoys one of the many rewarding aspects of his job! Photo credit: Greilin Fallas

Taking advantage of the early rainy season, Cloudbridge continues to support reforestation efforts, most recently at the Talari reserve in neighboring Los Angeles.  We are happy to support Rio Chirripo Lodge & Retreat in this endeavor.

As always, we continue with the environmental education program in local schools, this month with the «Salvadantas» module, where children are introduced to the concept of scientific inquiry applied to wildlife with the charismatic tapir.  In the picture, students from a local school pose with the tapir masks that they prepared, while also learning a little about the diet, habitat and habits of the tapir, and how scientists study them.

Pics from around the reserve

Lichen are absolutely fascinating! Here we see the fruiting body of the fungal part of this lichen. Photo credit: Casey McConnell

Photo credit: Anthony Garita

Suggested reading

  • Various researchers have submitted their reports in recent months, which are available on our website.  We would like to highlight this study on moths by Kristen Watkins, and this study on herpetofauna done by Paula Hahn.
  • As we all know, petroleum-based plastics are inundating our environment and are present in extremely small particles in our very bodies.  This article highlights the possibilities of bioplastics and green chemistry and asks that we prioritize this transition.
  • Followers of this blog will be familiar with how healthy ecosystem will support human health and well-being.  In a parallel analogy, this article introduces the concept of social health to a broader audience, describing how healthy relationships and connection support human health and well-being.

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